There are lots of ways you can help us....


* Join as a member - either using the service on a regular basis or as a sleeping member. The membership of £12 a year is just £1 per month


* 200 Club - join the quarterly draw for just £15 a year with 4 chances to win £100!


* Volunteer in the shop - sorting, pricing, helping customers or bring out your creative side by helping with window displays


* Train to be a volunteer driver, help others in the community to get out and about


* Fundraiser - do you like organising events? Bingo, Raffles, bag packing? If so, please get in touch, your help is needed.



The success of the shop has been due to the commitment and enthusiasm of our wonderful team of volunteers together with the generosity of local people donating goods for sale. It makes a valuable contribution towards the upcycling and recycling of goods and enjoys the support of the local community.


Our volunteers are a friendly, happy and dedicated band of supporters, who are always welcoming and eager to involve new volunteers, so if you have some free time, interested in helping when it suits you and want to support the local Dial-A-Ride service, please call into the shop, have a chat and a look around, arrange a 'trial run' and then if you are happy join our team.


All the money raised from our Charity Shop goes back into the organisation to help keep the Dial-A-Ride service running.



It would be great to hear from you

  01874 624060 

or email






Do you have some spare time that you would like to give back to society and to make a real difference to someones life?


Dial-A-Ride in Crickhowell are seeking volunteer Drivers and/or passenger assistants to join our wonderful team of giving and caring volunteers that help many of our members to maintain their independence and to stay in their own homes.


If you would like to help please contact our Crickhowell office on 01873 811097 or you can email our Crickhowell

Co-ordinator, Helen, with any enquiries to





We are currently looking for Volunteer Drivers/Escorts to assist with our Sunday Church Runs.


If you have a couple of hours to spare every few weeks, and enjoy working as part of a team on a rota basis, please contact our Brecon office on 01874 624060 between  8.30am-12.30pm Monday to Friday, or email us with any enquiries to



Contact Us:

Brecon & District Dial-A-Ride Club
Plas Y Ffynnon

Cambrian Way


LD3 7HP 

Tel: 01874 624060

Service Hours:


Monday to Friday

8am to 5pm


 Bookings accepted between 

8.30am & 12.30pm

(Monday to Friday)


During November 2019 we became a permanent fixture on The Struet in Brecon town centre — opening our very own charity shop!              


This has been a tremendous success to date, but more importantly it provides a special opportunity to further raise the profile of Dial-A-Ride by offering a face to face opportunity to inform visitors of our services.


We moved the Charity shop to larger more visable premises on the corner of Castle street and The Struet, raising much needed funds to invest in the Dial-A-Ride service covering Brecon, Talgarth, Crickhowell and Sennybridge and the surrounding villages.